Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Guess Who!

Hi guys so its been what 4 months since  I have blogged and I really am sorry. There has been soooooo much that has happened since then. I went to another kpop concert, I graduated high school, and alot more but of course thats for another post. I have also wanted to start my own youtube channel and so for now all I have is the channel name which I will reveal once a video goes up. Well thats all for now and I might just make another post right now. Stay beautiful people, love ya!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My new phone!

I finally got a S4 and im too happy because I was without a good camera but now I have two! Plus emojis!!Thanks for reading guys and stay gorgeous! !!

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Okay guys, so this month I heard about another kpop group coming here. The group Boyfriend is coming! Now at first I never heard of them just like VIXX But I grew to love them. With Boyfriend it took some time as it is said that boyfriend is the light v.s dark with VIXX. I personal don't care for preppy groups but I have broken. I do like a few of their songs. Sooo guess who is going to that concert! Its in march and I cannot wait! I plan on collecting light sticks so stay tuned for that pic! Til next time guys stay beautiful ♥♡♥


So I kinda forgot to tell you guys something awesome that happend to me! A few months ago back in November a friend and I went to our first Kpop concert (korean pop). But the amazing thing was that they came to Grand Prairie TX....Like who comes here! Anyway the group we went to see was VIXX!!! And we became bigger starlight fans. So my next kpop concert will be awesome if everyone is like VIXX. But who knows. I'll post a pic of my favorite thing I got fron the concert. Til next time loves stay beautiful!!

The Weekend!!

Is anyone as excited that it's the weekend as I am. I have nothing to do today and I'm really happy. Apart from my last blog post suggests. Anyway I figured why not share some of my favorite songs with you guys. So here we go: XO- Beyonce
           Ringa Linga-Taeyang
That's only barely touching the surface but who wants to read all of my favorite songs. Well til next time everyone stay beautiful xoxo!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Agh I'm Sick!!

Why now ...why do I have get sick with allergies. Its semester exam and here I am breathing through my nose in a quiet room. *sigh* This sucks balls! Anyways guys stay healthy and beautiful! Thnx for reading.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

What's it been 3 months??!

Soo lately I've been pretty busy and yes lazy when I can. Everyone says senior year in highschool is hard but not for the reasons we might think. Its a weekly struggle mentally trying to decide which path to choose and where to go. For now all I know is that Ogle is calling my name and so is California. My love for Cali is growing everyday. For some reason I think of Cali being a place to be free and creative (not saying you can't be creative in other places) but you know what I mean. I've also been struggling for an extremely long time and that's with my weight I have done alot of diets and workout tapes but my problem is that I cant seem to keep up with it. Kinda like my blog. So for my late but still new years resolution is to stop procrastinating and just do it. Anyway I hope you all had a magnificent Christmas and have a peaceful, lovely, adventurous and most importantly beautiful New Year! Love you guys!xoxo♡♥♡♥