Saturday, December 1, 2012


Walking around walgreens makeup section I discovered this ...
I love it its sooo pretty lol. They also have a bunch of colors too to make every tone beautyful!


So ok I know about interacial dating and im totaly all for it, but one couple that i've never seen in the flesh is a ambw(asian mn black women) couple. On tumblr there's alot of stories and pics of them and its really heart warming. Im really into asian guys and i'm all up for the challenge of finding a day lol.  I rather wait till im a bit older cuz right now its all about the me!!! Well stay beautiful loves!

Friday, November 30, 2012


So there's this new game in the app store called fun run. Its spread pretty fast around my school.SOOO add me on Fun Run kiofish9!! ^-^ love ya guys!